Fringe Review Adam Hills ”Clown Heart” ****

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015

“Death gets the last laugh, so you might as well get in quick and have as much fun as possible.” That’s the philosophy that Adam Hills shares with audience at his sell-out 2015 Festival Fringe show. This seems like a good attitude to life, and it’s one Hills is helping us all live by, by providing shedloads of fun with his latest stand-up show, “Clown Heart”.

Hills is always warm, funny and welcoming.  Tonight the show is even more inclusive than normal as it involves the phenomenal talents of Katherine, signing for the deaf. “Sometimes she makes the show accessible for deaf people, and sometimes she’s just my puppet” grins Hills after some particularly challenging translation with some graphic gestures that leave Katherine and the audience helpless with laughter.

Hills effortlessly flows from one topic to the next, a master of his craft as he engages the audience in a relaxed and convivial manner. With broad smile and twinkly eyes he is friendly, approachable and yes, nice, but that doesn’t mean his wit isn’t razor sharp and satirical when called for.

Tonight he highlights the changing face of Scotland, finds a new mascot for the Scottish tourist board, and organises a birthday cake on discovering a fourteen year old on a birthday celebration.  “I do have a show, I’m sure I’ll get to it…” he says realising we have all spontaneously meandered off into highly amusing, albeit unplanned subject matter.

Returning to the sharply scripted show, he talks about his father’s illness and death in a way that celebrates the joy and silliness of life. His wife, the equally talented Ali MacGregor, comes in for some good-natured flack, as he shares the challenges and conflicts of parenthood with the couple in the front row.

A highlight of the show is the video of the photoshoot of Naked Tuesday, a hilariously funny set inspired by one man’s refusal to let cancer stop him laughing. The moment when Craig joined the show from around the world via facetime, was truly joyful and life affirming, and involved the funniest strip tease I’ve ever seen. Kudos to Hills for  braving the Scottish night outside the venue in only his saltire pants and dressing gown, to chat to fans and raise money for Edinburgh’s Sick Kids hospital.


Hills explains how he always ended his conversations with his Father on a high note, both literally and figuratively, and he does the same in Edinburgh tonight.


Adam Hills : Clown Heart Assembly  22nd-30th August 19.30